by Dhirendra Admin Admin

How to Teach the Beginning Sound of "W"

Beginning Sound of W

1. Introduce the Sound

  • Start by Saying the Sound: Say the sound "W" clearly to the child. Emphasize the "wuh" sound. You can say, "This is the sound that 'W' makes. It sounds like 'wuh'."
  • Lip Shape Exercise: Show how your lips make a round shape when saying "wuh." Ask the child to do the same, showing how no air passes through the teeth while saying it.
  • Make It Fun: Say "Wuh, wuh, wuh!" like an engine starting or make a wind sound, "Wuhhh," to make it playful.

2. Word Exploration

  • Examples of Words: Give examples of words that start with "W," such as water, whale, walk, window. Say each word slowly, stretching out the “wuh” sound at the beginning.
  • Ask the Child to Repeat: Have the child repeat each word. Encourage them to feel the lip movement and listen to the sound.

W vs V Sound

  • Say It Out Loud: Practice these pairs of words:
      Say It Out Loud: Practice these pairs of words:
    • Wet vs Vet
    • Wave vs Vase
  • Feel the Difference: When saying "V," your teeth touch your bottom lip. When saying "W," your lips stay round.

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