Help your child learn how to manage emotions and build resilience with expert tips and a free tracker!
Download the TrackerThe Development Tracker is your guide to understanding and supporting your child's emotional growth. Covering ages 0-6, it provides milestones, strategies, and activities to help children manage emotions and develop coping skills effectively.
Milestones: Begins to show basic emotions such as joy, anger, and fear. Can respond to comforting actions like a hug or soothing words.
Tips: Offer consistent comfort and reassurance. Use a calm voice and simple gestures to soothe your child during distress.
Milestones: Starts expressing frustration or happiness through gestures and simple words. May have difficulty sharing or waiting for their turn.
Tips: Use simple phrases to acknowledge emotions (e.g., "I see you're upset"). Introduce sharing games and model patience.
Milestones: Can name basic emotions (e.g., happy, sad). May begin tantrums when emotions are overwhelming.
Tips: Encourage naming emotions. Offer choices to help them feel in control (e.g., "Would you like to play or read?").
Milestones: Starts understanding others' emotions and showing empathy. Can use simple coping strategies like taking deep breaths.
Tips: Practice role-playing to teach empathy. Introduce breathing exercises as a calming technique.
Milestones: Can manage emotions with prompts and solve simple conflicts with peers. Shows a better understanding of rules and consequences.
Tips: Encourage problem-solving and praise positive behavior. Use stories to discuss handling emotions effectively.
Download our comprehensive Development Tracker now and start this exciting journey with your child!
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